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     The immediacy of working small in clay, is turned on its head when working large.  The forms are more dictated by the clay itself.   What is structurally possible and what is not.  I push at the edge of possibility and the clay constantly teaches me in this process.   Many years as a scenic artist (IA Local 829) carving on Broadway sets and for the Metropolitan Opera House quelled my interest in tabletop scale and stirred my interest in the “tableaux vivant” experience. 

      My outdoor sculpture is not monumental; it is large and personable in scale.  It has the sense of being inhabited.   Not derivative or representational and having no narrative; it does not attempt to tell the viewer what to think.  The energy between the sculpture and the viewer is what interests me.  I am not seeking   idealized form.  All my clay sculptures are unique, a method which permits maximum spontaneity and reduces refinement.  I develop a form in series until I am sated and ready to explore another form.

Fired clay, properly installed, is a very suitable medium for outdoor sculpture, requiring little to no maintenance, has no material value as is the problem with bronze.  I am happy to discuss this with anyone who has an interest.


       I do not have an open studio for spur of the moment drop-ins;  however, I welcome those who make a prior appointment.   Contact me by email: 

with a brief message and your contact information. I will get back to you.  Or, you may try 575 289-2417 and see what happens.

For Sale:  Randal Kick wheel


This is wheel for a more integrated, physical throwing experience. A kick wheel offers more flexible control than an electric wheel, especially for throwing large works. This Randal wheel has 150# flywheel for long spinning time; adjustable tractor seat is attached to the frame to permit great pressure to be applied while throwing; deep detachable catch basin; flywheel rim can be motor adapted (but what’s the point of that?). It has two heads:  bucket and trimming, as well as a bat mold to pour bats which fit the bucket head. The bat molds allow freshly thrown large work to be removed from the wheel without damaging the thrown piece while they firm up. The footprint is a 40” x 40” area; weighs approx. 275#.  This wheel will last forever.  I'm not returning to throwing and the space in my studio is becoming more precious. 


Asking $700.00 for all.   575 289 2417

Current Events:

25th San Angelo National Ceramic Show,      

                                        April 18 - June 23, 2024


"Through the Mind's Eye over Time", printmaker Evey Jones and Sculptor Sara D'Alessandro, N4 Art Center, ABQ, NM, Sept. - Oct. 2023

Juror of Awards, "Inhabited Earth", annual COC exhibition, Gallery Ho'zo', ABQ  Oct. - Nov. 2023

Abiquiu In Sculpture Walk, three installations, 2nd place award, Up until May 2024

Mudwasp Sculpture Site, ongoing in Cuba, NM


The Studio

My working Studio Area is about 1000 sq. ft. inside with outdoor work areas useful in different seasons.  The work areas allow me to overlook and interact with my garden while awaiting the druthers of clay.   The studio is kept warmer than the house in the winter used as an incentive to get out there and work.

The kiln is a Minnesota Flattop propane fed kiln under a shed outside, to the right in the picture, Firings are highly influenced by weather conditions .


Clay Studio Tour

NM Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts

The Marks Project

Celebration of Clay

Clay Sdutio Tour.jpg
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